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What is a Coach? What can a Coach help me with?


A coach is a facilitator of change, growth, and progression!

Someone who can shine a light on peoples professional and personal blind spots, an encourager of positive actions, who empowers and motivates.  


My role as a Coach, is to help my clients unlock their potential, maximise their performance and get the results they are striving for. I help my clients to build confidence, increase focus and motivation, eliminate fear, overcome and breakdown limiting beliefs, and become more self-aware and reliant.


My coaching techniques, methods and frameworks have been carefully designed with a holistic and flexible approach. My 1:1 Clients work with me for a minimum of 3-6 months, during which time we have face to face or online sessions, weekly or bi-weekly. In between sessions, I also make myself available for extra support and check ins.

Am I a potential Client?


A Client is someone who feels stuck, who needs help getting from where they are to where they want to be. Someone who has a goal but doesn’t know how to achieve it.




What are some of the reasons people hire a Coach?


·Do you keep quitting or procrastinating?

·Do you feel lost, stuck and/or doubting yourself?

·Do you want to build more confidence, resilience, focus and motivation?

·Are you having a hard time achieving your goals?

·Are you unsure as to what you want to achieve?

·Do you suffer from a lack of clarity around what fulfils you?

·Is your life feeling out of balance?

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